Summer secret weapon: Iced thyme, mint, + orange water/tea

This is my new summer jam, drinks-wise.

Thyme sprigs, orange slices, and fresh mint!

Jam them in a pitcher, cover with water (or, right, detoxifying kukicha twig tea) and ice, and refill throughout out the day, night, whatevah.

I just keep them around in the fridge and refresh the herbs every day or two from my big old yummy garden.

Throwing in cuke slices, or the innards of a seeded cucumber (pref organic!), makes for highly fragrant, completely natural flavors as well.

It transforms the normally pedestrian activity of drinking water or iced tea into something uttahly delightful!

This fancy new hydrating ritual is part inspired by master gardener Jenks Farmer's iced cucumber water (mentioned recently in his groovy new monthly column on The Shop Tart!) and by the thyme and orange-laden water pitcher in the ladies' fireside lounge at the super-pampering, deeeeee-luxe Spa at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville (great pictorial on the place, also at The Shop Tart!).

OK. Off to get things done during some amazing springtime weather -- and gonna hydrate in style, like some kind of fancy yoga Hollywood lady or sassy Italian grandma.




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